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CIAC Online International Conference on “Institutional Arbitration – A boon for Dispute Resolution” to be held on 19th & 20th September, 2022

Construction Industry Arbitration Council (CIAC), an arbitral institution established in 2006 jointly by Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) and Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC),  has been identified by Ministry of Law & Justice, Govt. of India, as one of the nodal organisation which can be approached for dispute resolution purpose. CIAC has observer status with UNCITRAL Working Groups and has been participating in their meetings. Information on CIAC is available at

As you are well aware, Institutional arbitration or administered arbitration provides immense benefits in dispute resolution procedures by way of optimized timelines & arbitral costs, adherence to national & International arbitration laws and procedures, reduced post award litigations, and several more. Since inception, CIAC has been promoting the Institutional Arbitrations & has achieved sufficient success.

With a view to generate awareness and understanding about Institutional Arbitration, CIAC is organizing a two day long Online International Conference on “Institutional Arbitration – A boon for Dispute Resolution” to be held on 19th & 20th September,  2022, where the benefits of institutional arbitration would be highlighted & essential capacity building initiatives would be launched.

These deliberations would be aimed at creating systems and processes extremely essential for the growth of our sector and benefit all the stakeholders, including a session aimed at developing Human Resource Development to cultivate Arbitral Assistants, Arbitration System Specialists, & Arbitral Consultants, to enhance the application of Institutional Arbitration and support our construction organisations to develop a Cadre of Officers, who would be able to work on elimination/ alleviation of possible as well as ongoing Contractual disputes. The conference would also include detailed presentations on case studies to cover the themes.

We would request you to kindly consider Sponsoring the event or nominating delegates for deliberations in this prestigious international event.

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