Advantage of CIAC |
The parties referring their case to CIAC under its rule will have the following advantages:-
- Availability of pre-established rules and procedures which assure that arbitration will get off the ground and proceed to conclusion with dispatch;
- Administrative assistance from CIAC viz. secretariat or court of arbitration; The Secretariat of CIAC will monitor the progress of the case throughout the arbitration. The Secretariat would also be able to arrange transcription, translation and interpretation services.
- Lists of qualified arbitrators, often broken out by fields of expertise; The panel of arbitrators of CIAC consists of professionals from the construction industry as well as the legal fraternity.
- To assist parties know their financial exposure to the costs of arbitration, CIAC will charge parties based on a published Scale of Fees.
- Appointment of arbitrators by the CIAC;
- An arbitrator is appointed to a particular case only after availability and conflict of interest checks are made. Arbitrators appointed are reminded in each assignment, of the strict Code of Ethics under which they are to conduct the arbitration.
- Physical facilities and support services for arbitrations;
- Assistance in encouraging reluctant parties to proceed with arbitration and
- An established format with a proven record.